Arduino Programming
Arduino Programming For Arduino Programming, my class was tasked to accomplish 2 things. Firstly, each of us had to complete an individual competency test, and also write a code that would make the wings of a unicorn flap, and a bonus task of combining the flapping with something else. To start off, my group used an "Sweep" example code provided by the Arduino Software, then tweaked it a little. We changed the Servo's initial position to from 0 to 10 degrees , changed the sweeping angles to go from 10 to 120 degrees and changed the degree increase rate to steps of 10 degrees . We also changed the delay when rotating anti-clockwise to 25ms, and 15ms when rotating clockwise. At first, we set it to have a slower flapping speed, but it was too slow by our lecturer's standards, so we increased it after. Finalized Code can be downloaded here Prototype Design of our Unicorn We ran into 2 main problems during the Arduino Practical. Firstly, when we attempted to do the...